Monday, July 30, 2018



On Wednesday, October 7, 2015, I was shopping at a local Grocery Store and had such a delightful experience, I just have to share.

I was riding in one of the Store's electric carts. My shopping was finished and I was at the front to go through a register. Two registers were open and I took the one with just one family ahead of me. She was a mother with two children: a daughter about 14 or 15 months old who was in the seat of the cart. The other was a boy (I thought about five or six). Cute kids. When the boy saw me he walked over to the cart and said, “Hi, my name is Michael, what's your name?” I told him “my name is Marilyn”. He went back to his mother and said, “Mom, meet Marilyn. Marilyn, meet my mom.” Mom and I said hello to each other and she went back to swiping her card, etc. (At that point Michael told me that sometimes he calls his Mom Vanessa.) Then, Michael said, “I am five years old, how old are you?” When I told him that I am 82 years old his eyes got big and he went over to the Cashier and said, “Could I please have a sucker to give to this old lady?” (She had a bowl full of suckers to give to kids and 'old ladies'.) The Cashier looked at me and laughed and handed him a sucker. He brought it over to me. I thanked him. By then, his mother was ready to leave. She looked at me as though she was a little embarrassed and I told her “everything is okay---you have an adorable son.”

Michael was one really precocious five-year old. I'm so happy I happened to be in that store at that particular time. I love these little episodes I just happen to run into once in a while.

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